In our free fe practice exam we have tried to include the above categories in our questions.
Fe electrical and computer practice exam effective with exams beginning july 2020 pdf.
It includes an estimate of the number of questions you will see on the official exam for each category.
This edition has 30 new items including a lternative question types such as fill in the blank and matching.
See our free fe electrical and computer example practice problems effective july 1st 2020 these are the categories and subcategories specified by the ncees that this discipline covers.
Examinees have 6 hours to complete the exam which contains 110 multiple choice questions.
It is closed book with an electronic reference.
Fe electrical and computer practice exam effective with exams beginning july 2020 29 95 view product fe environmental practice exam effective with exams beginning july 2020 29 95 view product fe industrial and systems practice exam effective with exams beginning july 2020.
Fundamentals of engineering fe chemical cbt exam specifications effective beginning with the january 2014 examinations the fe exam is a computer based test cbt.
It may take only 30 seconds to answer some of the exam questions.
It is designed for recent graduates and students who are close to finishing an undergraduate engineering degree from an eac abet accredited program.
If your exam is scheduled after july 1st mak.
For exams beginning july 1 2020 this book contains 100 questions and solutions to familiarize you with the fe electrical and computer exam format and content.
The fundamentals of engineering fe exam is generally your first step in the process to becoming a professional licensed engineer p e.
If students can answer those questions in a shorter time frame the remaining time could be used in solving more difficult problems.